Thursday, June 22, 2017

Women Who Lift Weights Gain Muscle Definition Not Bulk

Posted by whatsapp status on June 22, 2017 with 2 comments
For those who believe lifting weights will make you lose feminine curves, I am here to say it's a myth. We simply don't have enough testosterone naturally to produce extreme muscle mass. 

We can create a firm, tone body with the help of weight resistance training. A small part of how we are built is also based on genetics. Every woman is different with the look weight training provides. This is called life and normal. As long as we maintain our lifting program along with healthy eating, we can enjoy a well-sculpted physique for life. 

We may see over-developed women bodybuilders who appear manly but this is often times created using illegal drugs, steroids, and male sex hormones. For us regular gals not on the bodybuilding circuit and just hitting it hard in the gym, this is not our norm. We may create some muscle, but nothing to the degree of lean mass enhanced with steroids. This is a whole other level of muscle development not applicable to active women in the gym. Unfortunately, seeing overly muscled women has caused many gals to fear lifting heavy. 

Applying a regular weight training program can create noticeably shapely arms, butt, legs, and an overall beautiful fit look. The other benefits include feeling great, boosted confidence, wearing anything you want and it's nice to receive compliments for your healthy lifestyle. 

I have been lifting weights for thirty years, have muscular curves but definitely not bulky. What allows my muscle to show more is maintaining a lower body fat percentage year round. However, I keep that within a healthy range to not screw around with my hormones. 

As a woman in menopause, I understand the importance and health benefits of weight bearing exercise. I enjoy how my body looks, but more important, focus on my bones remaining dense and strong as my estrogen levels continue to decline. Weight training is prescribed to all women going through this phase to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and/or osteopenia. 

I am genetically lean thanks to my Dad and my body has also responded well to weight training. I actually used resistance training to put on muscle weight and provide more curves. Being naturally thin also comes with challenges. I am a hard gainer so work even harder in the gym for the muscle I have.

Some may think I look bulky, but if you met me in person, you would have a whole different opinion. Can I flex it up in images? Yes and especially after an intense lifting session when the muscles are full and vascular. When I'm dressed in jeans and t-shirts, you might say I look like a woman who takes care of herself. 

The health benefits of weight training go beyond what is visible. Lifting weights helps improve bone and joint function, bone density, and increased muscle, tendon and ligament strength.  The more lean mass we have, the more efficient our bodies become with burning energy stores and maintaining a healthy weight. We become healthier overall, and our confidence is boosted when we feel our healthy best. 

The look obtained from weight training is one that exemplifies a healthy lifestyle. It's not a "she-man" body that seems to be running around in everyone’s mind. The media has successfully distorted the truth in all areas of fitness. The use of photoshop, airbrushing, and claims of weight lifting for females equals turning into a man. Nonsense!

This is far from the truth and laughable. I believe in being our own health and fitness advocates. It's important to research health and fitness subjects including weight training and applying what is best for our bodies to become a healthier person. Our female hormones which do include a small amount of testosterone naturally will allow for some muscle increase and a sculpted look. 

The inward and outward benefits of lifting are not only beautiful but we as women should embrace weight training as a very important part of our health programs. 

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Monday, June 19, 2017

I Love the Workout Perks of Coffee

Posted by whatsapp status on June 19, 2017 with 1 comment
The only stimulant I use to improve my workouts is coffee. Unregulated supplements come with too many health risks and who knows what's really in the stuff. Coffee contains caffeine, tastes amazing, full of beneficial antioxidants and a natural stimulant to boost my workouts.

Chronic studies have provided positive findings for caffeinated coffee improving athletic performance and other health benefits. It is said to increase our metabolism, reduce induced exercise muscle pain, improve mental focus, increase fat burning, and reduce the risk of disease.

The thing is you don't need that much coffee for effective results. More is not better and one to no more than 2 cups of black coffee is what's recommended according to research. I thoroughly enjoy my large mug every morning and admit to adding a small amount of creamer. I haven't been able to develop a taste for straight up black coffee.

I happen to be one of those people who is caffeine sensitive so drink half-calf and that works for me. Any more would have me bouncing off the walls. Call me a lightweight and I am just fine with that. I only indulge in the morning before a workout otherwise I would have a problem getting to sleep.

I love the natural edge up coffee provides as I prepare to hit the gym. Within 30 minutes, I feel more energetic and ready for an intense workout. It really prepares me mentally and physically. I don't have health issues like hypertension or diagnosed heart problems where coffee would be contraindicated so I do partake in moderation. The other health benefits from antioxidants are an added bonus.

Drinking coffee is one of my secret weapons for maintaining a fit body. Studies show the fat burning effects last up to 3 hours after having caffeine so I create that window for my workout. I would not venture into an unsafe stimulant scenario and don't support unhealthy ways to maintain my body. Coffee, on the other hand, is one of the best natural effective stimulants and my pre-workout drink of choice.

It's very important to check with your doctor before adding coffee to your nutrition and be aware of how your body responds to caffeine.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Fitness is a Lifestyle Not a Temporary Condition

Posted by whatsapp status on June 16, 2017 with No comments
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and achieving fitness goals can provide a feeling of accomplishment in the beginning. We plug into our fitness apps, fit bits, eating right and motivated to exercise. We are in fitness euphoria and experiencing self-motivation at its peak. We are determined and feel nothing will get in the way of reaching our goals, right?

This is awesome but the struggle is usually not in starting but in the maintaining. We all need to start the process of getting healthy but even more important is being able to continue the lifestyle.

As we progress in our fitness journey, things often become less important. Our determined mental game starts to soften.

Week three of the start may not feel as good or exciting anymore. Other things start to take priority and somehow being too busy to exercise or eat right dampen our motivation.

Week four seems to be filled with obligations that are somehow more important than the promise we made to ourselves to get healthy.

Week five may involve a long vacation where fitness is set aside and anything goes with food that will surely expand the waistline. Exercise is also put on the back burner. I mean who wants to be active on vacation is the typical feedback.

In a short time, our goal to get healthy has taken a back seat and old patterns have returned. The struggle is real for many out there.

Processed foods have replaced the good carbohydrates that were there just a month ago. The menu includes pizza and burgers instead of lean proteins and healthy fats. Water intake is also not what it should be for optimal fitness. What happened?

Believe it or not, choices and behaviors like this happen all the time. It can cause feelings of failure, discouragement and many of us give up. None of us are immune to returning to poor eating habits and reasons not to exercise. We somehow think once we reach our goals, we can start slacking. We miss the point of getting in shape is staying in shape.

Fitness is a lifestyle and not a temporary condition. The truth is we are responsible for the choices causing us to return to unhealthy patterns. This will require getting back that motivation we felt so strongly in the beginning.

If you are unable to do it alone, hire a qualified personal trainer or find a workout partner. If you are sabotaged at home, start creating two separate meals to ensure that you're eating healthy.  If too busy seems to be a problem, it's time to review your priorities.

Now is the time to start achieving your fitness goals, but even more than that, learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Diets Really Have No Place in a Fitness Lifestyle

Posted by whatsapp status on June 05, 2017 with No comments

Getting fit has nothing to do with going on a diet. In fact, I came up with an acronym for the 'diet' word and how it affects us:

D: Depressing
I: Illogical
E: Extreme
T: Taxing

How many times have you heard someone say they are on a diet? Diet trends are numerous and marketed ad nauseam. Diets may have a place in clinical scenarios but really not something for us regular people who may be sedentary or even active adults wanting to get back in shape.

Nutrition does play the largest role in our health and fitness. This doesn't mean restricting our calories by means of a fad diet is the way to a fitter body. It simply means eating better food for our goals. Actually not eating enough can work against us causing our body to hold onto fat stores.

Diets are also not lifetime sustainable because they can be too restrictive and remove important macronutrients from our daily food intake. We function best eating all macronutrients including lean proteins, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates. Any nutrition plan asking you to eliminate vital nutrients to reach your goals quickly should be a red flag. It may be tempting, but remember if something sounds too good to be true - it is.

Reducing fat and gaining muscle is not about eating less just eating right. Consuming nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, nuts, and seeds will enable you to reach your goals without feeling deprived. It does mean reviewing your current nutrition plan and changing up the food you eat.

Nutritious foods contain fewer calories allowing us the freedom to eat more and not feel guilty. When we start filling our plates with mostly vegetables and an appropriate portion of lean meat, counting calories can even be removed from the equation. Remember, no one ever got fat eating kale.

A healthy lifestyle is meant to be enjoyed and not to feel like a burden. Contrarily, diets can cause us to feel deprived and frustrated. Who enjoys drinking special shakes all day instead of eating real food? We are meant to cook, eat and enjoy real food. This is also called eating to live and loving every minute of it.

When we stop looking for quick fixes and forget about fad diets is when we can really be on our way to getting fit and healthy.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Peanut Butter Cookies (Dairy, Gluten and Refined Sugar Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on May 25, 2017 with No comments
I recently realized I didn't have a standard peanut butter cookie reipce.  I don't care for the texture or taste of the "flourless" recipes, so this is my gluten free version.  If you can handle gluten, I think a nice red fife flour would be a great substitute as well.
  • 1 1/4 cup gluten free pancake mix or other gluten free flour blend
  • 1/2 teaspoon guar gum (omit if your flour blend has already)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder (omit if using my pancake mix)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup softened coconut oil
  • 1 cup natural peanut butter at room temperature (smooth or chunky)
  • 3/4 cup palm, coconut or demerara sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • xylitol (1/2 tablespoon) and a bit of sea salt (1/4 teaspoons) for rolling if desired
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F and  prepare cookie trays.
  2. In a medium size bowl combine all dry ingredients and set aside.
  3. In a mixing bowl cream peanut butter, coconut oil, maple syrup, palm sugar, egg and vanilla.
  4. Slowly stir in dry ingredients.
  5. Roll into tablespoon size amounts.  You can roll into a bit of xylitol and or sea salt if desired.   Flatten balls with fork into a criss cross pattern.
  6. Bake for 8-10 minutes until golden brown on top.
  7. Allow to cook for 3-5 minutes on tray and then allow to finish hardening on a wire wrack.

    Monday, May 22, 2017

    Listen to Your Body When it Comes to Fitness and Illness

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 22, 2017 with 1 comment
    Have you ever had a severe sinus infection? I have experienced a couple and they can really put me down for a few days. I couldn't believe how horrible the symptoms were and I sympathize with anyone who has suffered through it. Bad sinus infections can take a while to recover from similar to any severe illness. For those of us who rarely get sick, this is quite a humbling experience.

    Symptoms can include a severe headache and I would say more like entire face pain. Also, the inability to breathe and high fever are typical signs of a sinus infection. Sleeping can feel impossible and eating is often limited as our appetite decreases. Sinus mucus coming out yellow, green or even brown are obvious infection markers. Fitness is pretty much out the window when an illness of this magnitude comes calling. This is the time to focus our energy on getting better.

    Illness can happen and does and it's okay to relax with your fitness program. In fact, your body will recover faster if you take time off to rest allowing your antibodies to build and work to your benefit.

    There will be things we don't want or like to do but are necessary to recover from illness. I had to take antibiotics for my sinus infection for example if I was going to get better.

    Put workouts on hold. Our body is working hard to recover and taxing it with a training session is really not the best idea. I'm not talking about the sniffles here, but a severe illness requiring a few days of bed rest. If you're too sick to get out of bed, you have no business in the gym.

    Listen to your body. If you have a fever, vomiting, unable to breathe, and find it an extreme effort to get out of bed, then stay there. Also, listening to your body means knowing when to see the doctor. Not all illness will go away without some assistance. Trying to tough it out for too long can actually work against you.

    It's better to heir on the side of caution and let a doctor diagnose an infection or virus. A virus typically runs its course without medication but an infection usually requires antibiotics. If you just don't feel right, are feverish, and not performing at what feels like you, then you may want to get it checked out.

    It's okay to chill out and miss days at the gym. Diehard gym rats will struggle with this. Missing my regular fitness routine is difficult for me as well, but recovering from an illness the right way is part of being fit and healthy.

    You're not going to lose your fitness just because you got sick and missed a few workouts. Not allowing time to recover from illness or even returning to workouts too soon can cause our body to relapse. Relapse of an illness can occur by ignoring your need to rest and get well. Relapse is said to be ten times worse than the original bug. It's better to be down for a few days than several weeks, right?

    Drinking plenty of water, and replenishing electrolytes are essential when recovering from illness. Consuming chicken soup and broth are old remedies studies show nourish our body and replace sodium lost through fluids.

    The bottom line is to think realistically when it comes to fitness and illness. Taking time to recover will actually better prepare your body to return to the gym faster. Illness is something out of our control but we do have control over how we treat our body when it happens.

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    Wednesday, May 17, 2017

    I Respect Everyone Trying to Get Fit

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 17, 2017 with No comments
    We may all differ in our fitness levels but all share the same goals ... health improvement. Getting fit takes changing our life and daily habits to become healthier people. This choice is inspiring and motivating to me. I respect everyone trying to get fit. 

    The decision to get in shape can feel overwhelming for some of us and even vulnerable. Being over fat can come with a negative stigma and society can make people feel bad about themselves. The same goes for muscular women and skinny men. Body shaming has no place in our fitness journey. Making the choice to become our best healthy self is a great decision regardless of the stares or opinions of others. 

    We don't need to be told we're too fat, too skinny, too muscular or not muscular enough. We all know the condition of our health and body without negative lip service. What we all need is positive support and motivation on our journey to achieve fitness goals.

    Part of achieving fitness goals is accepting where we are right now and taking responsibility for our part in being unhealthy. This has nothing to do with body shaming or judgments and everything to do with self-love. We have to own our actions to change our actions.   

    All people deserve to be treated with respect while working to improve their fitness. We definitely shouldn't be throwing stones when most of us live in glass houses. There are many people running around unhealthy not wearing it on the outside of their bodies. Imagine if everything about everyone was exposed automatically for all to see. There would be a serious decline in judgment and body shaming. 

    We all need to feel safe to share our reasons why we allow ourselves to be unhealthy. This is critical to successful self-improvement. All of us want to be healthy and supported through the process. 

    It will be our responsibility to create that healthy life regardless of our size, shape and even the lack of respect from others. The healthy choices we make today will form our healthy tomorrows. 

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    Thursday, May 11, 2017

    I Allow For Moderation to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 11, 2017 with No comments
    Living a healthy lifestyle is not about restriction but allowing for moderation. It's not realistic to eliminate a favorite food forever from our diet. I consider my occasional splurges as treats and not even cheats. Because eating them in moderation is an enjoyable experience. It's called living a balanced healthy life.

    I don't believe having a fresh baked brownie now and then is cheating on my fitness program. I follow a 90/10 rule consuming a wide variety of good carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats 90% of the time. I allow for 10% indulgence like a glass of wine or dark chocolate. These small treats won't derail my efforts as many of us are taught to believe. It's what we do consistently that defines what our body looks like.

    I will even apply the 80/20 rule eating healthy foods 80% of the time and allowing 20% for indulgence. This comes in handy when on vacation or during the holidays. I will not turn down a piece of my Mom's home-baked pie or biscuits with butter and honey ... are you kidding me?

    I do feel indulgences need to be quality. I don't waste time on packaged process junk foods but will splurge on home baked goods made with real ingredients. I also enjoy a good burger, gourmet pizza, and frozen yogurt with toppings. When I treat myself, I still want to be in control of the quality of the food. I also don't believe in having a free ticket to binge on thousands of calories on splurge day. That is defeating the purpose of a splurge meal or day. If I want a burger and fries, I enjoy the meal and move on.

    I don't plan a treat day either but listen to my cravings. I work hard, eat clean 80 to 90 percent of the time and know eating a slice of apple pie Ala mode is not going to break my fitness bank. I will savor every bite of my indulgence and eat slowly. I eat slowly anyway, but really take even more time when eating a treat.

    Having treat meals are always a personal choice. Sometimes there are physiological and psychological issues to consider. Those suffering from emotional eating disorders may not be good candidates for treat meals and should be under the guidance of a physician. Also, newbie fitness adapters may not be able to manage treat meals just yet and succumb to past triggers and old behaviors. Medical issues like diabetes require food monitoring and certain treats may not be in their best interest.

    I utilize treat meals for balance in my healthy lifestyle. Thinking we can sustain on boiled fish and broccoli is not realistic. I enjoy some sort of sweet treat or fun meal a couple of times weekly and still maintain a healthy body. It really comes down to how we apply treat meals. It's not a reward for being deprived all week or for completing a hard workout.

    There is a place for eating healthy and allowing for treats in a healthy life. Living a healthy lifestyle shouldn't feel like a burden or deprivation. If that's the case, a review of your current nutrition plan is advisable. An unsustainable nutrition plan will cause many of us to return to unhealthy eating habits. Life is too short not to eat healthy and it's also too short not to enjoy some splurges along the way.

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    Friday, May 5, 2017

    How Fitness Can Be Lost With Two Little Words

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 05, 2017 with No comments
    How many times do we justify unhealthy choices using the 'it's only' intro? Whether it’s only five pounds more, a small bag of chips, or one missed workout, it's easy to keep going once we start. 

    These two little words can be the start of losing our fitness. The occasional treat turns into daily choices leading us in the opposite direction of our fitness goals. The five pound gain turns into ten, two cookies are suddenly five, and several workouts somehow get missed. Two innocent words have suddenly derailed all our hard work. 

    The 'it’s only' dilemma can happen at any time but appears to creep back into the picture once fitness results are achieved. What we thought wouldn't make a difference in our fitness has taken us back to an unhealthy lifestyle and body.

    These two words are not as innocent as one might believe. Saying 'it's only' is only for those with a strong mental game who really mean it for one time.

    Let’s look at the time it takes to break the cycle of sugar craving. This is approximately two weeks or twenty-one days. If a person is two days shy of that goal and decides to break the rules for its only one time, it could snowball into continued unhealthy eating. All that hard work down the drain. This is hypothetical but happens more often than not.

    I am all about moderation but starting a healthy lifestyle requires structure and discipline. Success happens when we don't cave to thinking 'it's only' is acceptable. Why risk losing the accomplishments of several days/months of hard effort?

    There's no denying two innocent words can take a person from success to digress in short order. Within a few weeks, we may stand in bewilderment wondering what happened. It happened because 'it’s only' became the tool used more consistently than healthy choices. 

    Pay attention to that inner voice tempting you towards unhealthy food choices and skipped workouts. Be aware of friends and family who may sabotage your efforts with it's only for this one time. Besides, you deserve it, right? Wrong. What you deserve is making the best healthy choices for yourself.

    Becoming aware of the two words (it's only) and how we use them to justify unhealthy choices is important to our fitness success. When we're able to identify the behavior, we can avoid setbacks in our fitness life. 

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    Tuesday, May 2, 2017

    Fight Frustration With Motivation and Keep Going

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 02, 2017 with No comments
    We have all experienced frustration and it's actually normal during our fitness journey. Nothing goes perfectly and results can take longer than we thought. When results are slower than expected, frustration can feel overwhelming. Staying motivated can be difficult during this time. Our feelings can move past frustration straight into pissed off and angry. 

    Frustration causes many of us to consider giving up. We doubt our efforts and think nothing will work. We may even return to old unhealthy habits. Before the negative mental game stops you completely, consider fighting frustration with motivation.

    The truth is we're all working toward the same fitness goal but at differing rates of progress. Health is a process of small steps taken over time that provide big results. Just know each positive step to improve our health is working. Our bodies know something good is happening, even when we're unable to see it. It's during times of the unseen we must have faith in the process. Be motivated by the good being done to become a healthy person. 

    Throwing in the towel and going back to old habits will create nothing but further unhappiness and frustration. It will rob us of all the effort accomplished so far. This is not the time to quit, but to stand strong and kick frustration to the curb with motivation.  

    Fighting frustration with motivation will require an inner strength we all possess. It will be a choice to love ourselves at this moment no matter what the scale says. It requires daily acknowledgment of our efforts like eating healthy, completing a workout, a daily goal, or whatever has been the most difficult struggle finally accomplished that day. 

    Having a positive attitude will fight off frustration one motivation at a time. Patience and a consistent habit of healthy eating and exercise will produce results. Begin to focus not so much on the goal, but what can be achieved today. This will minimize frustration and promote feeling motivated. 

    The stress of trying so hard will be replaced by an inner peace of doing our best each day. When we relax about getting fit, health falls into place. Adopting that healthy lifestyle will eventually feel as natural as breathing. 

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    Monday, May 1, 2017

    Cream of Millet Porridge (Dairy, Gluten and Refined Sugar Free)

    Posted by whatsapp status on May 01, 2017 with No comments
    I like a lot of variety in my menu.  Breakfast is another meal where I don't enjoy eating the same thing in a row.  One recipe that is continually in our weekly line up is cream of millet.  Millet is a small gluten free grain that is an excellent source of magnesium.  Magnesium is important in lowering blood pressure, fighting off migraines and asthma.  Millet is also one of the few more alkaline grains, making it easier to digest.  

    Although it can be made with the whole grains as in this recipe, I do prefer grinding the millet in the blender to make it into a powder.  The millet powder cooks much quicker and produces a creamier finish.
    • 1 cup ground millet
    • 4 cups liquid (water and/or non dairy milk)*
    • 1 teaspoon sea salt
    • 2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
    • 1/2 cup chopped dates
    • 1/4 cup ground pumpkin seeds or shredded coconut (optional)
    • 1 teaspoon gluten free vanilla
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, grass fed butter or ghee
    • maple syrup for serving if desired
    *I use 1/2 cup coconut cream and the rest water

    1. Add millet, water/milk, salt, flax, dates, pumpkin seeds/coconut into a pot and stir.
    2. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a medium.
    3. Cook while stirring frequently for about 10 minutes or until millet is fully cooked.
    4. Remove from heat, add vanilla and coconut oil.
    5. Stir and let sit with the lid on for 5 minutes.
    6. Puree if you want the dates completely pureed.
    7. Serve with maple syrup if desired.

    Thursday, April 27, 2017

    Change Happens When We Face Our Fitness Truth

    Posted by whatsapp status on April 27, 2017 with No comments
    Standing in our fitness truth can be a difficult thing and often times something we avoid altogether. Even as we stand in the mirror with our naked truth right in front of us, we can still be in denial of what is looking back at us. 

    We believe working out and eating healthy for one week will provide some visible results. We look at ourselves with frustration unable to accept the truth about our fitness. It takes more than a week to get to an unhealthy state and yet we expect an instant miracle. Instead of continuing the fitness journey, we give up before really starting. 

    If all of us truly took responsibility for our fitness truth, the world would be filled with healthy fit people. This is far from reality. More than 30 percent of Americans struggle with obesity or being overweight. 

    The problem is the continual dishonesty with ourselves about how we're really living. Most of us aren't eating healthy and rarely get in a workout. Regardless of what we say, our body keeps a good record of what we're actually doing. 

    We may talk a good fitness game in front of our friends, family, and even our trainer but within our private life, the truth remains a buried secret. Lying to ourselves does nothing to make us healthy people. When we continue to brag about eating healthy, our bodies are telling the true story of what's happening. 

    Some medical conditions or medications may contribute to weight gain, but this doesn't apply to the majority of people. Denial of our fitness truth is the reason most of us are unhealthy, overweight and unfit. Until we're able to accept our responsibility for causing the problem, we won't be able to apply a solution. Achieving a healthy and fit body takes acceptance of where we are now and changing daily unhealthy habits. 

    Keeping an accountability fitness and food journal really helps us stand in our fitness truth. The additional splurge meals, alcohol, and snacking can all be written down. Being honest about how many times we exercise can also be included in our journal. It's hard to deny what we're really doing or not doing looking at the facts in writing. 

    If we don't write things down, we conveniently forget about off track items and only recall eating vegetables and salmon for dinner. Somehow if we don't write it down, it's not happening. We often become frustrated and in disbelief that anything we did could possibly cause us to gain weight or not hit our goals. Who is anyone trying to kid with this type of thinking and behavior.

    When we face our fitness truth, positive results can happen. Our efforts to change will result in becoming a healthier, happier, and fit person. 

    Not being honest with ourselves about our fitness can be difficult to accept. Completely normal feeling as we work through emotions. We all need to start somewhere. Beginning with the truth in all relationships including the one with ourselves is the basis of all trust. Do you trust yourself enough to stand in your fitness truth? Do you really want to experience a change in your life and experience good health and happiness? It will take work and you may even need help going through the process. The effort will be worth every positive step of acceptance and action to change. 

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

    Be well and Stay Healthy!

    Wednesday, April 26, 2017

    How We Respond to Life Keeps Us Healthy

    Posted by whatsapp status on April 26, 2017 with No comments
    Being healthy is many things but I feel the biggest player in life is how we respond to it. We all face daily situations in our personal lives and even the workplace. How we respond to these circumstances can create a healthier, happier, and stronger person.

    Being healthy includes more than the physical and nutritional. It also includes our emotional and spiritual health. If anything in our life is out of place, health is just not complete.

    When a problem arises, we can choose to mishandle the situation or solve it in a healthy way. Many times issues are out of our control. The truth is the only thing fixable or controllable is yourself. We're not responsible for the actions or behavior of others, but what we do have is the actions and behaviors of ourselves. Life can be made to feel complicated and depressing or carefree and happier simply by how we respond to situations.

    The same principle should be applied to how we take care of our body. Do we nourish it well, exercise it enough, and provide adequate rest for it?  What are your actions telling your body and how is it responding to you?  Are you getting great healthy feedback or receiving messages of fatigue, illness, weight gain, depression, and stress?

    Our body is a good barometer of how we're living life. A healthy lifestyle reflects itself from the inside out. If we're doing a great job with eating right, working out, and emotional happiness then our body will feel pretty amazing.

    If we choose not to listen to our body cues to get our act together, guess what? We will be hit with weight gain, stress, illness, and usually being pissed off at the world for our problems. It's up to each of us to listen to what our body, mind, and spirit are telling us and take appropriate action. It will be the responses in life that create our health.

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Reminder to subscribe to never miss a free update.

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    Monday, April 24, 2017

    Why I Focus on Eating Healthy Not Counting Calories

    Posted by whatsapp status on April 24, 2017 with No comments
    I stopped counting calories years ago. I simply made my focus eating healthy quality food each day. One of my favorite nutrition motivations is “no one has ever gotten fat eating too much kale.” I don't feel the need to keep track of my calories when I eat primarily nutrient-dense foods. The food I eat keeps me strong, healthy and feeling good and that's what matters. When your food is healthy, it promotes healthiness and appropriate body weight. 

    I keep my refrigerator and pantry stocked with plenty of organic vegetables, fruits, yogurts, raw nuts, grains, and lean meats. I graze throughout the day eating small healthy meals every three hours. This keeps me satisfied and well-fueled for work and physical training. 

    Maintaining a healthy body is about living a quality life. This means being concerned about the quality of food consumed. There's a big difference choosing to eat a fast food meal compared to an organic chicken breast with mixed greens. Healthy food is nutrient dense, fewer calories, and provides health benefits. It even looks like you're eating more when eating healthy because you are. 

    This is a great example of why I don't bother counting calories. As long as I am eating meals like organic chicken and greens, the need and stress behind counting calories are pointless. I eat for health and listen to the cues of my body that tell me to fuel up.

    I also apply a strategy when buying groceries. I shop the perimeter of the store and steer clear of the center aisles full of processed foods. Most grocery store setups are the same, produce to the right or left, dairy to the back and the meat counter on the opposite side. 

    Part of my grocery shopping also means sticking to a grocery list. This allows me to stay on track and on the budget. I really enjoy the local farmer’s markets and shop those for organic produce as much as possible. I also love the organics at Costco.

    I believe in keeping my food intake simple. Eating healthy gets a slam for being complicated and this is really untrue. How is eating chicken and vegetables complicated? The problem is not with the food but how we feel about making changes to our lifestyle. Am I right? 

    Eating an organic apple and peanut butter is healthy food at its simple best. Not complicated at all and something we can all manage. Grilling or baking a chicken breast is another basic way to eat healthily. Nothing difficult in the process. Again, the issue is believing healthy eating is a burden or somehow doesn't taste good. 

    If we could just get back to the basics of eating to live, eating real food, and not stressing about it so much. Our fast paced processed society is creating unhealthy overweight people. We have really strayed from how eating right and working hard was a normal part of living. 

    Think about our ancestors, what they ate, how it was provided, and prepared. They worked hard physically growing crops, raising cattle and dairy all from their own land. It was freshly picked, cooked and consumed throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner the way it should be. 

    I realize many of us don't live on farms or even grow our own food. However, I do try to eat as close to farm to fork as I can. I eat to live and work hard for the food I eat. What I do count is quality when it comes to my calories and that works for me

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update. 
    Be well and Stay Healthy

    Wednesday, April 19, 2017

    A Family Trip to China

    Posted by whatsapp status on April 19, 2017 with No comments
    We were blessed this April to take a trip as a family to China.  Why China?  I have a sister who lives there with her family.  For the last 13 years or so, they have taught overseas at various international schools.  For the last 3 years they have been working in Shanghai.

    I was extremely excited when my husband gave us the plane tickets at Christmas time, but as time grew closer I started to get nervous.  The 13 hour plane ride, the 12 hour time difference, the packing, the planning, how was this all going to play out, especially with a one year old?  How was I going to feel knowing I stuck on an airplane for so long?

    As usual, the worry was for nothing. God took great care of us.  My mother in law said when she thought of us while on our trip, she pictured a cross over our heads and that is how I felt.

    Our trip was filled with sight seeing, shopping, a lot of walking and great food.  Although there are so many great historic and touristic places to visit in China, we kept this trip simple as to not overwhelm us or the kids.
    Read on if you want to get a quick glimpse of our trip.

     Getting ready for a "rough" sleep in the hotel before we fly out the next morning :)
    We spent the night in Montreal before taking our 13 hour direct flight to Shangai

     Yeah for good food in the Air Canada Lounge

    Almost time to take off.

    Our welcome sign :)

     A trip to a traditional "wet market" in Xui Jing.  It was quite the experience for us.
    Not at all like a typical Canadian grocery store.   

    "Hey is that a black chicken?"
    My middle daughter LOVED the wet market and asked to return many times.  
    She enjoyed looking at the fish, frogs, turtles and pig's heads!

    The busy streets of Shanghai.  It was a holiday that day and the streets were packed.

     Tai Kang Lu, one of the few places with old traditional buildings.

    Very busy!  

    My handsome husband and if you can't tell, my gorgeous sister.

     These two loved the shopping
    in the old streets.

    A view from the Bund, a popular tourist area and  second tallest 
    building in the world; the Shanghai Tower.

    A few cool kids waiting for the subway.  These children had a lot of pictures taken
    perhaps due to the blond hair and blue eyes.  Many people were also surprised 
    that we have three children!

    My favourite picture.  Isn't he so adorable?

    In Shanghai, you can find many restaurants and stores that will have some English.  This restaurant however was strictly in Chinese.  We had a great time just pointing to the menu and "blindly" picking out our lunch.  I was so proud of the kids, they would eat whatever was given.  I honestly had no idea what I ate that day but it was tasty.

    Even our little guy was using his chopsticks.  

    When on vacation, we often look for smoothie bars.  They are a great way to get some 
    additional nutrients and easy for all members of the family.

    On a less healthy note, my husband felt I should post this.  Yes, we ate breakfast at McDonalds...once!